NVIDIA Tegra Tegra Linux Driver Package
Development Guide
19.3 Release | July 1, 2014

Package Manifest
Boot Loader
NV Tegra
Nvgstapps TBZ2
Config TBZ2
The NVIDIA® Tegra® Linux Driver Package is provided in the following tar file:
<release_num> is the branch number of the release, such as R19.
<version num> is the version number of the build, such as 3.0 for the third build.
<release_type> is armel (for softfp ABI) or armhf (for hard-float ABI).
The following table lists the top level directories and files that are created when you expand the tar file.
Configuration file(s) for flash.sh specific to the <platform> board
Directory used as a staging directory for the root filesystem
This file explains the need to copy the sample file system here
Directory containing the kernel images and kernel modules
Directory containing the kernel DTB files for the particular SoC
Directory containing the boot loader and related components
Directory containing platform-specific files
Directory containing the platform-specific BCT files
Directory containing the appropriate cfg files.
Directory containing the NVIDIA drivers and sample applications.
Directory containing the NVIDIA sample applications.
A script that downloads kernel and uboot source
A script to apply nv_tegra components.
A script that flashes the boot loader and kernel from the package.
A script that creates the vmlinux.uimg with mkimage for use as the kernel image for u-boot
Note: The <platform> variable specifies the development system, such as jetson-tk1.
Tegra Linux Driver Package (L4T) also includes the following documentation:
Where <ver> is the version of the release, such as R19.3. Both the “armel” and “armhf” software versions are documented.
Section Overview
This section provides information about the contents of the L4T tar file.
This section describes the major components included in the ./kernel directory.
Directory containing SoC-specific kernel DTB files.
The DTB files specific to various board types.
The device-tree-compiler binary.
A kernel binary image.
A license file for “GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE”.
A license file for “GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE” for the ‘device-tree-compiler’ binary.
Loadable kernel modules specific to the included kernel zImage built with the defconfig enabled for the device.
A u-boot kernel binary image.
Boot Loader
This section describes the files provided in the ./bootloader directory.
A tool used for img creation.
The NVIDIA flashing tool.
A license file for the mkbootimg and mkbootscript tools.
A license file for the mkgpt tool.
A license file for u-boot and the mkimage tool.
A tool which encodes both primary and secondary GPT into flashable binary image files.
A u-boot tool for vmlinux.uimg creation.
A tool for flashing u-boot.
< board> specifies the development system, ardbeg for Tegra K1 32 Bit (T12x) devices.
The Fastboot-versioned boot loader binary file.
./ardbeg/<platform >_extlinux.conf.emmc
The config file for U-Boot for booting off the internal EMMC.
The config file for U-Boot for booting off the nfs root.
The config file for U-Boot for booting off the SD card.
The config file for U-Boot for booting off USB flash storage device.
The u-boot binary image.
Platform-specific BCT directory.
BCT for Jetson TK1.
BCT for Jetson TK1.
Platform-specific CFG directory.
Platform-specific CFG file.
NV Tegra
This section describes the major components included in the ./nv_tegra directory.
Configuration files specific to the sample filesystem.
Tegra software license.
A license file for the brcm_patchram_plus binary included in nvidia_drivers.tbz2.
NVIDIA driver components
Directory containing NVIDIA sample applications.
Tegra software license for files included in the nv_sample_apps directory.
License file for libgstomx.so and libgstnvxvimagesink.so included in nvgstapps.tbz2.
NVIDIA gstreamer components and applications.
Instructions on how to run the nvgstcapture application.
Instructions on how to run the nvgstplayer application.
Nvgstapps TBZ2
This section describes the files included in the following file:
The multimedia capture camera application
The multimedia video player application.
NVIDIA proprietary gstreamer conversion plug-in library
Video sink.
OpenMax driver.
Config TBZ2
This section describes the files included in the following file:
ALSA library configuration file for RT5639.
ALSA library configuration file for MAX98090.
Default multimedia encoding parameters for NVIDIA reference platforms.
An NVIDIA-specific initialization script.
NVIDIA specific first-boot script.
NVIDIA bluetooth/wifi init script.
An initialization script for getty on ttyS0.
Lists “bluedroid” as a supporting module for Bluetooth.
Control file used for for first boot.
Sample WPA supplicant.
The xorg configuration file.
Control file for sysrq.
This section describes the files included in the following file:
Ldconf file for tegra directories.
The tegra driver versioning file.
Directory included only on jetson-tk1 and other Tegra K1 32 bit (T12x) devices.
Tegra K1-specific nvhost firwmware file for msenc.
nvhost firmware file for tsec.
GPU FECS firmware.
GPU GPCCS firmware.
GPU PMU ucode firmware
GPU device hardware description.
VIC ucode binary (VIC for pre or post processing.)
Firmware file for XUSB.
NVIDIA AVP Kernel firmware.
Restricted codec:
NVIDIA video decoders.
NVIDIA bug reporting script (run for usage)
CUDA library
GL graphics support library
Ldconf file for tegra-egl directories.
OpenGL ES driver file.
OpenGL ES driver file.
OpenGL ES driver file.
Accelerated libjepeg library for Tegra.
Host (x86) shared object for application utilities.
User-space interface to the AVP for audio/video acceleration via the nvavp kernel driver.
DC driver file.
NVIDIA fuse bypass.
EGL core library.
OpenGL core library. This library is implicitly used by libGL and by libglx, and contains the core accelerated 3D functionality.
OpenGL System Interaction library.
A utility library that implements common code to use the kernel-level graphics drivers on Tegra.
NVIDIA tls libraries.
Multimedia camera driver file.
Content pipe implementation (file source abstraction).
NVIDIA Multimedia audio driver.
NVIDIA Multimedia image driver.
NVIDIA Multimedia driver.
NVIDIA Multimedia utilities.
NVIDIA Multimedia video driver.
NVIDIA Multimedia Framework.
Multimedia Framework utilities.
3GP writer block on CPU.
Tegra development platform ODM adaptation for imager.
ODM Query interface.
OpenMAX IL client.
OpenMAX IL implementation.
NVIDIA OS abstraction library.
Parser used for NVIDIA NvMMlite.
Resource Manager (NvRM) graphics host, AVP communication library, and graphics drivers.
Resource Manager kernel interface.
NVIDIA shader manager library.
Target (ARM) shared object for test I/O utilities.
Test results shared object.
Temporal Noise Reduction (TNR) interface.
Multimedia Tegra video mixer/renderer.
Winsys library.
V4L2 driver for Tegra.
Tegra X driver.
A GLX extension module for X. This module is used by the X server to provide server-side GLX support.